What is the meaning of the word "table tapping"?
Table tapping is viewed by some as a means of contacting the supernatural, while others see it as a phenomenon that can be explained by natural or psychological causes.
A practice associated with spiritualist seances, similar to table rapping.
- Table tapping became a widespread practice among spiritualist in the 19th century as a way to communicate with the dead.
- Table tapping became a widespread practice among spiritualist in the 19th century as a way to communicate with the dead.
A practice that is commonly associated with spiritualism and seances, where participants try to encourage spirits to answer questions or communicate by making tapping or knocking sounds on a table; the number or pattern of taps can be interpreted as messages from the spiritual realm.
- During the seance, the group engaged in table tapping, hoping to hear a response from the spirit world.
- During the seance, the group engaged in table tapping, hoping to hear a response from the spirit world.
Alleged from of communication with spirits of the dead.
- The paranormal investigator recorded the session, where faint table tapping was heard in response to questions.
- The paranormal investigator recorded the session, where faint table tapping was heard in response to questions.
Involves participants lightly tapping on a table, often to facilitate communication with spirits.
- The medium instructed everyone to place their hands on the table and begin table tapping to invite the spirits to join the seance.
- The medium instructed everyone to place their hands on the table and begin table tapping to invite the spirits to join the seance.